Central Section Equipment Trailer

NYSAHA has allocated funding to provide each of the four Sections an equipment trailer in the continued effort of "Growing The Game". 

Below is a listing of dates that the Central Section trailer has been reserved.  To utilize the trailer, your association will be responsible to pick up, (or make arrangments to pick up) the trailer from its previous location of use. 

There is a equipment loan agreement on th NYSAHA forms page that needs to be completed. 

The trailer requires a 2" ball and has a 4 wire flat light adapter for towing.

Contact - Rod Ives

rod.ives.jr@gmail.com, 315-825-5058

Reserved Dates

Date Association Contact Email
January 24-26 Southern Tier Greg Labisch glaubisch@hotmail.com
February 8 NYSAHA Stephanie Murphy stephaniemurphy630@gmail.com